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Flossing and Children

Helping Kids to Floss ... floss that is about 18 inches long. Tie it securely in a circle. Next, place all of the fingers ... , motion. Bring the floss up and down, making sure to go below the gum line. Bend it to form a C on

Step-by-Step: Heelstick for a Baby

Heelstick for a Baby. Gather your supplies. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 ... warmer around your baby’s heel and wait three to five minutes. Put disposable gloves on your hands

Preventing a Surgical Site Infection

*Surg Site Prevent Infection ... Surgical Site Infection Prevent ... at the surgical site. The surgical site is a cut the surgeon makes in the skin to do the surgery ... . Surgical site infections can range in type. It may be a minor skin infection. Or it may be severe and ... 89221;Preventing Surgical Site Infections;surgical site infections, prevention;infection, surgical ... site, prevention;surgical site infections, causes, surgical site infections, risk factors;surgical

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL): Tests After Diagnosis

*ALL Tests After Dx ... providers learn more about the cancer and how to treat it. Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL ... cord. The CSF is sent to a lab to be tested. This test is often used for people with ALL because ... ALL;tests to evaluate ALL;BALLD3

Step-by-Step: Giving Yourself a Shot

alcohol wipe. Use the index and middle fingers of one hand to gently pinch up a bit of skin. With the ... other hand, fully inject the needle at a 90 degree angle to the skin. Release the pinched skin and ... A90342; medication use; self-injection; disease management; self-care

Venous Angioplasty and Stenting

Understanding Venous Angioplasty and Stenting ... can cause severe swelling and pain. Sometimes a metal mesh tube called a stent may also be placed ... IV (intravenous) line is put into a vein in your arm or hand. This is to give you fluids and ... 85547;venous angioplasty and stenting

Relaxation Methods That Really Work

Relaxation Techniques to Manage Stress ... *Relaxation Methods ... lie down and close your eyes. For 5 to 10 minutes, imagine you're in a place you love. This may be ... To keep stress at a minimum and reduce its effects on your life, you need to find and ... relaxation techniques;be patient;visualize;relax slowly;take breath;3065

Incision Care: Abdomen

*Incision Care Abdomen ... pointing down. Use a clean paper towel to dry your hands and turn off the faucet. It's also ... soap and water are not available. Put all your supplies on a clean cloth or paper towel. Open a ... ;incision Site Care;removing Old Dressing;replacing dressing;placing new dressing;Dressing care ... ;Postoperative Care;Postoperative Procedure;wound care;abdominal wound;Wound Healing;wound Site Care

Injuries to a Child's Tooth

bleeding, place a small piece of folded gauze at the site. Have your child bite down or hold it in ... place with firm pressure. Offer your child a cold compress. This can help reduce swelling and

Vulvoplasty: Surgery and After Care

*Vulvoplasty Surg After Care ... and After Care During a vulvoplasty, the outer female genitals are created. This includes the ... surgical site infection. Read any consent form carefully. This is a form that gives your permission to ... Vulvoplasty After Care;Vulvoplasty;Vulvoplasty Surgery;Male to female gender affirming surgery;61197


Surgery to remove a lung ... right lung and a left lung. These lungs connect to your mouth and nose through a series of tubes or ... . You might need this procedure if a smaller surgery would not be able to remove all of the cancer ... surgery to remove a lung;391

How to Map Out a Safe Vacation

Plan Ahead for a Safe Vacation ... are suggestions to help you have a fun, relaxing, and safe vacation: Carry a cellphone and keep ... to replace them. Keep some money and copies of your credit card in a place other than your wallet ... safe vacation;smart traveling;vacation;traveling suggestions;traveling and health;vacation safety;1585

Understanding Low Self-Esteem

time as personal relaxation time. It's a time when you can de-stress and wind down. Write in a place ... that's relaxing and soothing, maybe with a cup of tea. Look forward to your journaling time. And ... self-esteem;anxiety;cognitive behavior therapy;acceptance and commitment therapy;depression;low self-esteem;61099

Vaginoplasty: Surgery and After Care

*Vaginoplasty Surg After Care ... and the recovery. Vaginoplasty: Surgery and After Care During a vaginoplasty, a vaginal ... removed from your penis and scrotum a few months before the surgery. This is to stop hair from growing ... Vaginoplasty After Care;Vaginoplasty;Vaginoplasty Surgery;Male to female gender affirming surgery;61195

Anxiety with Cancer: Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Guided Imagery

*Cancer Relaxation ... same time. You may even choose to tense and relax each finger, one at a time. Move all the way ... a count of 4, let it out, and begin to relax. Do this about 4 times. As you breathe in, think about

Having Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting

Angioplasty and stenting is a type of procedure to improve the blood flow in an artery or vein ... . Having Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting Angioplasty and stenting is a procedure to improve the

Giving a Subcutaneous (Sub-Q) Injection (Single Medicine)

Dx: Giving a Sub-Q Injection ... . Choosing your injection site You may find that the easiest and safest places to inject ... syringe. Place your thumb and forefinger on either side of the clean injection site. Pinch up about ... injection;how to give a subcutaneous injection;how to give a sub-q injection;discharge instructions for ... 86523;giving a subcutaneous injection;giving a sub-q injection;subcutaneous injection;sub-q

Caring for a Sprain

bones together. A sprain can cause pain and swelling. Most sprains heal in 1 to 2 weeks with home ... to 3 weeks for comfort. Caring for a splint or cast If you have a splint or cast, follow these care ... sprain; sling; elastic bandage; splint; cast; ligament injury; splint and cast care; RICE

Where to Get Medical Care

surgeries are performed in locations other than a hospital operating room. Where to Get Medical Care ... difference in terms of convenience and the cost of care. Keep in mind, if you have a true emergency ... urgent-care centers;offsite treatment facilities;offsite health care options;retail store sites ... advantages;retail store sites disadvantages;Ambulatory surgery centers advantages;ambulatory surgery

Surgical Site Infections

Understanding Surgical Site Infections ... skin is a natural barrier against infection. Even with many precautions and protocols in place to ... surgical site infection. It's important to stop smoking before surgery and to tell your surgical team ... infection;wound care;surgical site infection;superficial incisional SSI;deep incisional SSI;organ SSI;space SSI;144

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