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What is a Lumbar Puncture?

the needle is removed, and a bandage is placed over the injection site. The test takes about 15 ... that removes a small amount of cerebrospinal fluid from your lower back. This fluid surrounds and

Preparing the Family

Preparing Your Family for a New Baby ... isn't ignored by visitors who come to meet the new baby. A small book or toy can help counteract all ... changes in baby care (all the new vaccines for example) that some grandparents will feel a little ... newborn care;newborn preparations;P02696

Finding Your Cancer Care Home: Tips for Choosing the Right Center

all of your needs, big and small. This might seem like an overwhelming process. But with a little ... providers. Your cancer care team should work together to make a treatment plan that meets your needs. Your

Preventing a Surgical Site Infection

*Surg Site Prevent Infection ... Surgical Site Infection Prevent ... at the surgical site. The surgical site is a cut the surgeon makes in the skin to do the surgery ... these infections. Preventing a Surgical Site Infection A risk of any surgery is an infection ... 89221;Preventing Surgical Site Infections;surgical site infections, prevention;infection, surgical ... site, prevention;surgical site infections, causes, surgical site infections, risk factors;surgical

How to Be a Wise Healthcare Consumer

Making Wise Healthcare Decisions ... side effects? Again, let your healthcare provider know. Perhaps there’s a different pill you can take ... about finding someone else. You deserve a provider who explains things in a language you understand ... health care;health care consumer;wise health care consumer;1,3083

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL): Tests After Diagnosis

*ALL Tests After Dx ... After a diagnosis of ALL, you will likely need more tests. These tests help your healthcare ... ): Tests After Diagnosis  What tests might I have after being diagnosed? After a diagnosis of ALL ... ALL;tests to evaluate ALL;BALLD3

Eating Well with Heart Disease

Small changes in what you eat can make a big difference in your heart health. Watch and learn how ... make a big difference in your heart health. So let's get started! First, you'll need to pay

Injuries to a Child's Tooth

bleeding, place a small piece of folded gauze at the site. Have your child bite down or hold it in ... pain. If a tooth is chipped or cracked, collect all the pieces of the tooth. Make sure a piece of

Prostate Cancer: Making a Treatment Plan

treatment plan for you. Learn more about how this is done. Prostate Cancer: Making a Treatment ... assistant (PA). This is a person who may give you exams and manage your follow-up care. Your ... 85219;Prostate cancer: making a treatment plan;making a treatment plan for prostate cancer

Getting the Most for Your Health Club Dollar

Choosing a Fitness Facility ... to find a place that makes you feel comfortable. Instead of just taking a tour of a facility you're ... . Things to consider There are a number of things to think about to help you make your choice

Depression: Tips to Help Yourself

, moving, making a big purchase, or getting married or divorced. Be patient. Recovering from ... take care of themselves. That only makes their problems worse. During treatment and after, make a ... 84263;depression, tips to help yourself;depression, self-care tips

Choosing Your Child's Healthcare Provider

Provider Babies and children are not just small adults. Their healthcare needs are different. So, it's ... important to find a healthcare provider who offers specialized care. The medical specialty dealing ... pediatrician;choosing a pediatrician;p02647

Step-by-Step: Heelstick for a Baby

accuracy, completeness, or suitability of this video for medical decision making. For all health related ... This video shows the steps for doing a heel stick on a baby. Step-by-Step: Heelstick for a Baby

Step-by-Step: Using an Inhaler with a Spacer

straight or sit up straight in your chair. Take a big breath in. Let out a big breath. Place the ... breath for 10 seconds. Let out a big breath. If instructed by the provider to take another puff

Meckel Scan for Children

Understanding a Meckel Scan for Children ... A Meckel’s scan is an imaging test used to find a Meckel’s diverticulum. This is a small ... diverticulum. This is a small, abnormal pocket that forms in the wall of your child’s small intestine ... 161, 102;imaging test;small intestine;congenital;Meckel diverticulum;child

After a Tooth Extraction: Caring for Your Mouth

*Post Tooth Extraction Mouth Care ... Tooth Extraction: Caring for Mouth ... When you've had a tooth removed (extracted), you need to take care of your mouth. Doing ... more. After a Tooth Extraction: Caring for Your Mouth When you've had a tooth removed ... 84678;after a tooth extraction: caring for your mouth;tooth extraction, mouth care after procedure

Lighten Up Your Favorite Recipes

Making some changes to lighten up your go-to recipes can make a big difference for your health ... recipes can make a big difference for your health. You’ll trim the calories and fat while keeping

Helping Kids Get Over their Fears

Helping a Child Deal with their Fears ... , interesting place. That's likely to make things a lot easier for them growing up. Parents or caregivers ... understand why learning to master your fears is a good thing. Almost all children have fears. Some

Want a Healthy Pregnancy? Go Mediterranean

. Fortunately, research suggests even small steps can make a difference. Try these smart swaps to add a ... complication—including gestational diabetes, early birth, and having a small baby—by about 21% Reduce the

What Is Lung Cancer?

are a few different types of non-small cell lung cancer. These include squamous cell carcinoma ... , adenocarcinoma, and large cell carcinoma. Though each of these subtypes starts in a different kind of ... What is lung cancer;Oncology;Lung;Pulmonology;Lung Cancer;non-small cell lung cancer;NSCLC;small ... ;non-small cell;small cell;lung cancer explained;explanation of lung cancer;pm1045a;82998;SDOH;social determinants of health

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