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Grief and Bereavement: When a Child Dies

*When a Child Dies ... detect a repeat of grief and to manage long-lasting effects of grief. Follow-up care may take place ... Bereavement: When a Child Dies Everyone grieves in their own way. The process of grieving is often long ... child death;bereavement;grieving;grief;stages of grief;terminal illness child;p03048

Incision Care: Abdomen

*Incision Care Abdomen ... incision Clean the incision and apply a new dressing as directed. Put all used supplies in the ... pointing down. Use a clean paper towel to dry your hands and turn off the faucet. It's also ... ;incision Site Care;removing Old Dressing;replacing dressing;placing new dressing;Dressing care ... ;Postoperative Care;Postoperative Procedure;wound care;abdominal wound;Wound Healing;wound Site Care

Shock Wave Lithotripsy

pieces of stone. You may have a slight fever and some pain. Take prescribed or over-the-counter pain ... Passing a kidney stone can be very painful. Shock wave lithotripsy is a treatment that helps ... ;extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy;kidney stone;treating a stone in the kidney;treating a kidney ... stone;kidney stone treatment;treatment for kidney stone;crushing a kidney stone;passing a kidney stone;lithotripsy;ur1038a;uro1038;breaking up a kidney stone

Caring for a Sprain

with a sling, elastic bandage, splint, or cast. Caring for a Sprain A sprain is a tear in a ... if you have a severe sprain. A splint may be all that you need. Or you may only need a sling for 1 ... sprain; sling; elastic bandage; splint; cast; ligament injury; splint and cast care; RICE

Discharge Instructions: Caring for Your T-Tube

*T-Tube Care Dc ... attached to your body. A bandage is present at the site where the tube is placed. This protects the open ... drain into a bag attached to your body. A bandage is on the site where the tube is placed. This ... 86501;discharge instructions caring for your t-tube;gastroenterology;t-tube precautions

Caring for a Bone Fracture

care provider. Or you may see a specialist, such as an orthopedic surgeon. Taking all the right ... video describes these different treatments. Caring for a Bone Fracture A broken or cracked bone

All About Kidney Stones

normally dissolved in the urine. All About Kidney Stones A kidney stone (nephrolithiasis) is a ... A kidney stone is a solid piece of material that forms in the kidney out of substances ... kidney stones;kidney stones prevention;kidney stones diagnosis;kidney stones causes;how kidney ... stones form;developing kidney stones;2096;nephrolithiasis;renal calculi

Step-by-Step: Giving Yourself a Shot

press the plunger all the way in to release the medicine. Leave the syringe in place for 10 seconds. Correctly dispose of the entire syringe. ... This video shows the steps of giving yourself a shot. Giving Yourself a Shot Wash your hands ... A90342; medication use; self-injection; disease management; self-care

Discharge Instructions: Packing a Wound

the new outer dressing over the packing and wound site. Tape the outer dressing in place ... your supplies Keep your supplies all in 1 place. Put them in a basket or large bag. You will need the ... for wound packing;wound care;postsurgical instructions for packing a wound;86601;deep wound

When a Family Grieves

loss of a spouse. Children who lose a parent may process grief in spurts over a period of years ... times together. It may even help your family grow stronger. When a Family Grieves After a ... grieving;family grieving;child grieving;deal with grief;dealing with loss;grief healing;grief;prepare family grieving;bereavement;1746

Turning Patients Over in Bed

*Staff Ed Turn Patient in Bed ... Use these tips to turn a patient over in bed. Turning Patients Over in Bed Usually one or two ... people can turn a patient safely. This can be done with a drawsheet or slide sheet. Or, you can use ... Turning patients over in bed;Staff Education;patient care;turning patients;moving patients in bed;82558;standard precautions

Vulvoplasty: Surgery and After Care

*Vulvoplasty Surg After Care ... . They are used to remove any excess fluids after surgery. A dressing is placed over the vulva ... and After Care During a vulvoplasty, the outer female genitals are created. This includes the ... Vulvoplasty After Care;Vulvoplasty;Vulvoplasty Surgery;Male to female gender affirming surgery;61197

Hospice or Palliative Care: Management

Palliative Care: Management Hospice care Many people think hospice is a place where people go to die. But ... hospice is not a place. It's a special type of care for terminally ill people and their families ... hospice care;palliative care;legal and ethical issues with hospice care;23505-1

Get Your Z’s to Control Your COPD

night that may disrupt sleep. And according to a new study, poor sleep quality is, in turn, linked to ... in the morning, including on weekends. Try a new position. Some studies suggest raising your

Cataract Treatment: Implanting a New Lens (IOL)

Cataract Treatment: New Lens (IOL) ... in place.  Types of IOLs Your eye care provider will select a new lens to fit your eye and ... . Anterior chamber lens Your eye care provider may place a special lens in front of the iris (anterior ... 85465;cataract treatment: implanting a new lens (IOL);cataract treatment;implanting a new lens, cataract treatment;IOL, cataract treatment

Tracheostomy Tube or Stoma: Your New Airway

*Tracheostomy Stoma Care ... If your surgeon has given you a new airway during surgery, it may be in place for only a ... own after the trach tube has been removed. You will have a dressing over the site while it heals. In ... 84522;tracheostomy tube or stoma: your new airway;tracheostomy tube;tracheal stoma

Vaginoplasty: Surgery and After Care

*Vaginoplasty Surg After Care ... drains) may be placed in the new vagina or near the incision site. They are used to remove any excess ... help healing and prevent the vaginal canal from narrowing. A dressing is placed over the vulva ... Vaginoplasty After Care;Vaginoplasty;Vaginoplasty Surgery;Male to female gender affirming surgery;61195

Discharge Instructions: Changing the Dressing on Your Midline Catheter

and put on a new pair of sterile gloves. Clean around the exit site by going around in circles ... . Apply the transparent or gauze dressing over the exit site. Seal all the edges of the dressing

Step-by-Step: Heelstick for a Baby

This video shows the steps for doing a heel stick on a baby. Step-by-Step: Heelstick for a Baby ... Heelstick for a Baby. Gather your supplies. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20

Giving a Subcutaneous (Sub-Q) Injection (Single Medicine)

Dx: Giving a Sub-Q Injection ... vessel. Withdraw the needle, select a new injection site, and repeat the steps above for getting the ... . Choosing your injection site You may find that the easiest and safest places to inject ... 86523;giving a subcutaneous injection;giving a sub-q injection;subcutaneous injection;sub-q ... injection;how to give a subcutaneous injection;how to give a sub-q injection;discharge instructions for

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