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1/6/2020 6:41:36 PM Reporting from Niles, MI
Incisionless Surgery for Chronic Heartburn and Reflux Now Available
1/6/2020 6:41:36 PM
The new Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication procedure is performed without incisions and is now available at Lakeland General Surgery.

Incisionless Surgery for Chronic Heartburn and Reflux Now Available

SpectrumHealth Lakeland

Incisionless Surgery for Chronic Heartburn and Reflux Now Available
Jan 6, 2020

(NILES) – Over twenty million Americans suffer with daily heartburn or other symptoms of reflux such as regurgitation, chronic cough, hoarseness and dental erosions. The new Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication (TIF®) procedure, using the innovative EsophyX® device, is performed without incisions and is now available at Lakeland General Surgery, Niles, located at 42 North St. Joseph Avenue.

The TIF procedure is based on established principles of surgical repair of the anti-reflux barrier. Performed through the mouth with an endoscope, the procedure reduces a hiatal hernia and rebuilds the valve between the stomach and esophagus restoring the natural, physiological anatomy to prevent GERD. Because the procedure is incisionless, there is reduced pain, shorter recovery and no visible scar.

“Reflux medication like PPIs [proton pump inhibitors] can help relieve patients' heartburn symptoms but don't solve the underlying anatomical problems or prevent further disease progression,” said general surgeon, Seth Miller, MD. “Even on PPIs many patients are still unable to eat the foods they want or are forced to sleep sitting up to reduce nighttime reflux. After the TIF procedure, clinical trials show that most patients can eat and drink foods they avoided for many years. Reflux no longer impacts their life like it previously did.”

Recent studies of the TIF procedure have shown that it can reduce patients’ dependency on medications with 75% of patients completely off their daily medications after three years and experiencing a dramatic improvement in their quality of life.

For more information, or to schedule a consultation, visit or call 269.684.6696