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Many Teens Still Dealing with Depression Brought On by the Pandemic

Many Teens Still Dealing with Depression Brought On by the Pandemic

Now, even as life is getting back to normal, many teens are still struggling emotionally. Here’s how to offer the support they need—and when to reach out for additional help.


Blood Count Quiz

The last time you visited your doctor for an illness, he or she might have ordered a CBC test to help determine the diagnosis. CBC stands for complete blood count, but what does that mean? And what do all those numbers on the result sheet mean? Find out by taking this quiz.


Pseudomembranous Colitis

Pseudomembranous colitis is an inflammatory disorder of the colon associated with antibiotic use. Bacteria such as Clostridium difficile, which are usually present in the colon, can flourish when antibiotics are taken. This video explains how this disorder develops and what treatment is recommended.

Symptom Checker