
Health Library

  • Living a Balanced Life During Cancer Treatment

    Living a Balanced Life During Cancer Treatment

    It’s never a simple thing to balance personal, family, and work commitments. But when cancer becomes part of the mix, it gets even more complicated.

  • 4 Red-Flag Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

    4 Red-Flag Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

    If you’re under age 50, you may believe that colorectal cancer isn’t something you need to think about right now. But cases of colorectal cancer in your age group have actually been rising for decades. And unlike an older adult, you may not be routinely screened for the disease. That makes it especially important to know how to recognize the warning signs of colorectal cancer. This could help you catch it at an early stage, when it’s easier to treat.

  • 5 Steps to Get Organized with ADHD

    5 Steps to Get Organized with ADHD

    Having attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) doesn’t have to get in your way. But being organized might not come as naturally to you. To boost your productivity and feel less overwhelmed or anxious, try these 5 organizational tips:

Wellness Center

Metabolic Syndrome Worksheet

Use this worksheet to help manage your condition. Record your test dates and results, and list your goals for your next visit with your healthcare provider.


Stroke Quiz

Stroke is the third-leading cause of death in this country and a leading cause of disability.


Caring for a Bone Fracture

A broken bone, or fracture, is often treated with a sling, elastic bandage, splint, or cast. This video describes these different treatments.

Symptom Checker