
Health Library

  • 4 Red-Flag Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

    4 Red-Flag Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

    If you’re under age 50, you may believe that colorectal cancer isn’t something you need to think about right now. But cases of colorectal cancer in your age group have actually been rising for decades. And unlike an older adult, you may not be routinely screened for the disease. That makes it especially important to know how to recognize the warning signs of colorectal cancer. This could help you catch it at an early stage, when it’s easier to treat.

  • Could You Really Have ADHD?

    Could You Really Have ADHD?

    Do you often forget to pay bills or get distracted during conversations? Don’t be too quick to blame it on a “senior moment.” These kinds of issues are sometimes caused by attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

  • Probiotics and Prebiotics: Food for Thought

    Probiotics and Prebiotics: Food for Thought

    You don’t need special pills or powders to give good bacteria a boost. Many common foods can help these beneficial bugs.

Wellness Center

The Lowdown on Low Blood Pressure

Healthcare providers often consider chronically low blood pressure too low only if it drops suddenly or causes noticeable symptoms.


Breastfeeding Quiz

Breastfeeding is filled with benefits to your child and you. Do you know what they are?


How to Fit Crutches and a Walker

The crutches or walker you use must be the right size so that you can move about safely. This video shows you how to correctly fit either crutches or a walker.

Symptom Checker