Lorys Place Events
Time: Sep 25, 2024 06:30 PM
- 07:30 PM
Lory's Place
445 Upton Drive
St. Joseph, Michigan
Contact Phone: 269.983.2707
Often times, we don’t get a chance to say goodbye in a way that aligns with our needs. This unique program will walk participants through a ritual with the intention of letting go of some of their grief related pain and saying goodbye in a visual way. Participants will write down the name of their loved one who died or a message to them, and ceremoniously place it into a fire as we watch the fire transform our messages into smoke and rise to the sky. Participants will be given an opportunity to say a few words about their message or feelings about their loved one, as well, if they choose.
Wednesday, September 25th
6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Lory’s Place, 445 Upton Dr., St. Joseph