Lorys Place Events
Time: Jul 25, 2024 11:00 AM
- 02:00 PM
Lory's Place
445 Upton Drive
St. Joseph, MI
Contact Phone: 2699832707
Contact Email: info@lorysplace.org
This is a one time opportunity to create your own Memory Bear from a special item of clothing from your loved one. Sewing needles, thread and sewing pattern will be provided, along with some small embellishments. We will walk through the process of making a very simple memory bear together as a group, and additional help will be available for those who may need assistance. Please RSVP by calling at 269.983.2707
Thursday, July 25th
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Lory’s Place, 445 Upton Dr., St. Joseph