
Health Library

  • Recovering from Hysterectomy: What You Should Know

    Recovering from Hysterectomy: What You Should Know

    Every year, nearly 500,000 women in the U.S. have a hysterectomy, an operation to remove the uterus. It is the most common type of surgery for women after cesarean section. A hysterectomy can help treat conditions such as fibroids, abnormal vaginal bleeding, endometriosis, and cancer.

  • Busting 5 Common Fitness Myths

    Busting 5 Common Fitness Myths

    Physical activity is one of the best things you can do for your health—it boosts mood and protects your heart by preventing conditions like type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

  • 8 Lesser-Known Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

    8 Lesser-Known Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

    Forgetting things or getting lost—most people know at least one common sign of Alzheimer’s disease. But there are more warning signs that aren’t as recognized.

Wellness Center

Help for Raising Grandchildren

Many grandparents end up in a position they never expected: raising their grandchildren. Fortunately, state and federal programs are available to help you and your grandfamily.


Hypothermia Quiz

True or false: Shivering is one way the body produces heat.


Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow causes pain in the bony bump on the outer part of the elbow. Learn about the possible causes and what you can do to prevent it.

Symptom Checker