
Conditions & Treatments Overview

friendly doctorEar, Nose and Throat Conditions

Do you have trouble hearing over the telephone? Do you have to strain to understand conversations? A hearing aid may help, but it may not be the only answer since hearing loss can also be a symptom of many medical conditions.

Ear, Nose, and Throat
You can also get treatment for other problems such as frequent acid reflux or persistent sore throat, or problems with your voice or with your sense of smell. Our physicians also provide treatment and surgery for cancer of the esophagus, pharynx, mouth, thyroid, skin of the head, face and neck and other tumors, as well as facial plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Does snoring wake you up and leave you feeling tired the next day? Is your throat sore in the morning? Sleep disorders can hamper every aspect of your life or even your child's. Our physicians thoroughly examine your condition and offer treatments for snoring and more serious sleep apnea.

You can also find help for other issues such as allergies, childhood breathing problems, persistent cough or tickle, headache or face pain, nasal congestion and other sinus or breathing difficulties.