A Heads Up for Football Safety

footballA new school year means a new season of high school sports, and with that comes a new season of potential injuries. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the amount of reported concussions has doubled in the last 10 years. Football is still the leading cause of sports-related injuries for children in the U.S. Keep in mind you can’t see a concussion. Signs and symptoms of concussion can show up right after the injury or may not appear or be noticed until days or weeks later. If a head injury does occur, parents and coaches should be able to recognize key symptoms such as:

  • Confusion
  • Difficulty walking
  • Headache
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Memory loss
  • Vision problems

If a parent or coach suspects that someone has experienced a concussion, the player should be immediately removed from play and evaluated by a qualified professional as soon as possible. Players should never go back to playing without a thorough and personal return to play plan closely guided by a provider who is up to date on concussion management.

Certified athletic trainers at Lakeland Health work with area high school athletic programs to provide triage for common injuries, such as sprained ankles, stretched ligaments, and injured shoulders, as well help prevent those injuries by taping, bracing, and conditioning. Get to know your high school’s athletic trainer here

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