Fall Produce Favorites

Everyone knows summer is a season full of tasty fruits and vegetables ripe for the picking. But when the air becomes cooler and the leaves begin to fall, don’t miss out on the delicious offerings of the autumn harvest, available on grocery store shelves or at your local farmer’s market.

  • APPLES: high in soluble fiber and vitamin C


  • BEETS: a versatile vegetable that offers a variety of vitamins and minerals including potassium, magnesium, and fiber, among others


  • CRANBERRIES: rich in phytonutrients and a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and dietary fiber


  • GRAPES: contain vitamin K, vitamin C, and antioxidants


  • SWEET POTATOES: offer a rich, sweet flavor loaded with vitamin E, potassium, and copper


  • WINTER SQUASH: a hearty fruit that is low in fat and full of dietary fiber

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