Spring Clean Your Health

Spring has sprung!

top ten health appsThe snow is melting, flowers are beginning to bloom, and days are growing longer. With a new season comes an annual rite of passage most people dread – spring cleaning. But what if you focused on cleaning your health in addition to the dust bunnies living under your bed? Lakeland Health family medicine resident, Daniel Benson, DO, shares four simple tips for a happy and healthy spring season:

1) Clean Out your Medicine Cabinet – Take some time to sort through your medicine cabinet and properly dispose of any unused medications or antibiotics. Organize what’s left and be sure to separate vitamins or daily supplements from any prescription drugs. Don’t forget you can drop off any expired or unneeded medications, no questions asked, at the new drop-off box at the Lakeland Pharmacy Shoppe, located inside the Center for Outpatient Services in St. Joseph.

2) Get Moving – The cold, winter months often cause many people to stay indoors and live a more sedentary lifestyle. With warmer temperatures on the way, spend more time outdoors simply going for a walk or completing a few of the household chores you’ve been putting off. Be sure to gradually build up your stamina and stretch well before completing any strenuous activity.

3) Eat Local – The spring season abounds with fresh, seasonal foods so why not serve them to your family and friends? Asparagus, spinach, and strawberries are all at the peak of their season, offering more nutritional value than those out-of-season.

4) Schedule a Wellness Checkup – Fall is often the busy season for doctors’ offices as many people try to fit in their yearly wellness exam. If it’s been more than a year since you’ve seen your doctor, beat the rush and schedule an appointment.

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