The Biggest Threat to Your Health
You may be surprised to learn that heart disease is the biggest threat to your health — even more so than breast cancer. In fact, heart disease causes one in three deaths each year which is approximately one woman every minute. And the same factors that put you at risk or a heart attack, also increase your chances of stroke and other health problems.
The main risk factors include:
- High blood pressure
- Smoking
- Poor diet
- Diabetes
- Family history
- Obesity
- Sedentary lifestyle
If your heart is in trouble, your body may send you warning signs. It’s up to you to notice these and talk to your healthcare provider about them. Your health—and your life—could depend on it. Many women have other symptoms along with, or instead of, chest pain or discomfort. Talk to your healthcare provider if you notice any of the following:
- Discomfort, aching, tightness, or pressure that comes and goes, in the back, abdomen, arm, shoulder, neck, jaw, or chest
- Feeling much more tired than usual, for no clear reason
- Becoming breathless while doing something that used to be easy
- Heartburn, nausea, or a burning feeling that seems unrelated to food
- Lightheadedness or faintness