In This Together

Loren Hamel

Over the last several months, the world we live in, the communities we call home, the people we hold dear, have all faced a new and very dangerous threat. One that I believe we will continue to fight for many months to come.

In Lakeland’s history, we have never had so many, working so very hard, accomplishing so incredibly much, and doing so with such speed. I am so very grateful, so very proud, and so very inspired by those efforts. Improving heath, inspiring hope, and saving lives. That is our mission and I believe we have, and will continue to, live that mission boldly and beautifully.

During this time of uncertainty, we’ve seen our community join in support and appreciation of our frontline health care workers. In addition to donations to the COVID-19 Response Fund which supports many emerging needs during this crisis, we’ve received an outpouring of personal protective equipment, medical supplies, and well wishes. Read more here.

It was a sobering moment for us all when we learned Lakeland’s chief operating officer, and my twin brother Lowell Hamel, became sick with the disease he was committed to fight. I believe Lowell survived because he received great clinical care, he was an early recipient of convalescent plasma, and he had a community of people committed to pray for him. Lowell shares more of his inspiring story here.

While I am so grateful that my family’s story turned out positively, my heart goes out to all those individuals who have fought COVID-19 and are no longer with us. I know how it feels to watch a loved one succumb to thisdisease and my heart and prayers go out to everyone who has been impacted.

This pandemic has left many of us feeling stressed and anxious. You may be dealing with fears about the future or continued stress from the past. Find out more about where to turn for mental health services here. 

This is our new reality. We expect over the next several months, or longer, to be concerned about COVID-19 transmission and its impact on our communities. While we don’t know how long this will last, at Lakeland we are committed to do everything we can to keep our patients, team members, and community safe. I encourage each of you to continue to be careful. Remain diligent about washing your hands. Avoid touching your face. Wear a mask and practice social distancing whenever possible.

Together we are strong. Together we will see this through.

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