Want healthy joints? Do these seven things.


Achy joints? Sharp pain in the knee? How about your hips or hands?

We often take our joints for granted through our childhood and early adult years, but eventually the clock catches up with us. Suddenly, we hurt. Before you get to that point, it’s important to figure out ways to keep the aches at bay.

Discover seven things you can (and should) do right now to keep joints healthy and pain-free:

  1. Watch your weight A lot of things we can’t modify, like genetics. But there are some we can change, like body weight. Orthopedic surgeons often see a correlation in patients being overweight and those who develop arthritis in the body. The best way to be kind to your joints is by maintaining a healthy body weight.
  2. Exercise daily Daily exercise ties into weight loss and helps maintain healthy muscle strength which reduces stress on your joints.
  3. Focus on low-impact exercises Swimming, biking, elliptical machines, and walking all make for a great exercise regimen that is low impact on your joints. High-impact activities such as jumping, or running, can put extra stress on your hips and knees.
  4. Stretch Stretch to maintain flexibility in the joints by keeping them moving. Stiff joints can lead to increased stress, which cause pain or lead to other disorders.
  5. Listen to your body The older mentality was to fight through it—no pain, no gain. If you’re doing certain activities and are having pain, back off and modify. Listen to what your joints are telling you.
  6. Count your calcium Strive to maintain healthy bones by getting adequate amounts of calcium in your diet. For menopausal women, the need for calcium can increase. It’s a great first step to consult with a primary care doctor to determine the proper amount of calcium for your body.
  7. Don’t worry about weather watching Some people complain about joint pain with changes in the weather. There’s no great data for or against this idea. While some patients can have increased joint pain when there’s a change in barometric pressure, the most important thing is to stay active and stretch those joints out.

Orthopedic surgeons are specially trained to help patients manage certain conditions, relieve pain, restore mobility and independence, or return to work and other daily activities. To find a local and dependable orthopedic surgeon with consistent high-quality outcomes, call 888.313.9167

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