Ostomy Care

Living with an Ostomy

When you have to undergo an ostomy, you may face a number of complex lifestyle challenges. Certified wound, ostomy, continence (CWOCN) nurses, also know as enterostomal therapy (ET) nurses, are available at Spectrum Health Lakeland to assist in your care. CWOCN/ET nurses provide preoperative counseling, stoma site-marking, and education and support regarding your ostomy needs. 

Getting the Support You Need

The Southwest Michigan Ostomy Association is a monthly support group to improve the quality of life for people who have an ostomy or who many be candidates for an ostomy. Meetings feature various discussion topics, highlighted with speakers, as well as the opportunity to meet other ostomates. The goal of this group is to provide support, advocacy, and education for ostomates and their families or caregivers. 

The support group is open to all Southwest Michigan residents who have a colostomy, ileal conduit, urostomy, ileal conduit, urostomy, ileostomy, or contient diversion (intestinal or uniary diversion). 

Group meets the second Thursday of each month
6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Lakeland Medical Center, Radiation Oncology
1234 Napier Avenue, St. Joseph 

Join the Conversation 

Living with an ostomy isn't always easy- and you're not alone. Spectrum Health Lakeland offers private, online Facebook group hosted by healthcare professionals offering resources, dialog, and day-to-day support. Joining is easy! Once you log in to Facebook you can search for the "Lakeland Health Ostomy Support" group and request to join. Once your request is approved you'll receive a notification. This group is a "closed group" which means only members of the group will see what is posted, the information will not be shared with your personal Facebook friends. 

Contact Us 

Certified wound, ostomy, continence nurses can be contacted at the following locations:

Lakeland Hospitals in Niles, St. Joseph, and Watervliet 

Lakeland Wound Center

Lakeland Homecare
St. Joseph/Benton Harbor 269.985.4400
Niles 269.687.1419


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