Special Needs Services

Creating a More Positive Experience

We want every experience at Lakeland to be as pleasant as possible. We understand that some patients may need special accommodations to help accomplish this. We respect the rights and needs of all of our patients and offer strategies to help make appointments, procedures and visits go more smoothly. If you have questions or concerns about services, you can reach out to our Special Needs Team at specialneeds@lakelandhealth.org.

Schedule a Tour

If you would like to make arrangements for a special tour of a department to help familiarize a loved one or have questions answered, please contact us or call (269) 985-4548. They will help coordinate this so that your loved one's visit is as pleasant as possible.

Comfort Kits

Comfort Kits are available at most Lakeland Health sites. These kits include toys and items that help to distract and provide sensory stimulation. We try to provide strategies to help make appointments, procedures and visits go more smoothly.

Social Storyboards

Lakeland's Social Storyboards can help children and/or individuals with special needs view situations, departments or procedures in advance, helping them to have a more relaxed and positive experience.

Language Services

Lakeland Health has interpreting services available at all of our locations 24 hours a day, every day. Certified and experienced interpreters in 180 languages, including American Sign Language, are available at no cost to you. If you would like to make arrangements for a language interpreter prior to a visit, please call our Volunteer Office at (269) 983-8869.

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