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Advanced Tools for Detection and Diagnosis

Thallium Scans or Myocardial Perfusion Scans. Similar to the PET scan, these tests involve an IV injection and a special camera:

  • Resting SPECT thallium scan or myocardial perfusion scan. A nuclear scan done while the person is at rest that may reveal areas of the heart muscle that are not getting enough blood.
  • Exercise thallium scan or myocardial perfusion scan. A nuclear scan done while the person is exercising that may reveal areas of the heart muscle that are not getting enough blood.
  • Adenosine or persantine thallium scan or myocardial perfusion scan. A nuclear scan done on a person who is unable to exercise to reveal areas of the heart muscle that are not getting enough blood. Special medications may be given that stress the heart in the same way exercise does.
  • MUGA scans/radionuclide angiography (RNA) scans. Similar to the PET scan, these tests involve an IV injection and a special camera:
    • Resting gated blood pool scan (RGBPS), resting MUGA, or resting radionuclide angiography. A nuclear scan to evaluate how well the heart wall moves and how much blood is expelled with each heartbeat, while the patient is at rest.
    • Exercise gated blood pool scan, exercise MUGA, or exercise radionuclide angiography. A nuclear scan to evaluate how well the heart wall moves and how much blood is expelled with each heartbeat, just after the person has walked on a treadmill or ridden on a stationary bike.

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Provider Video Profile: Ingrid Kwak, NP (Cardiology)

Ingrid Kwak is a nurse practitioner at Corewell Health in Southwest Michigan. She is part of a specialized team that cares for individuals with cardiovascular disease.

Linda is a Watchman implant recipient, hear her story.

Watchman patient Linda discusses how the Watchman has changed her life.

Common questions about Watchman, answered by patients

Patients discuss how the Watchman has worked for them.

See why Watchman reduces stroke risk and how the procedure is done.

The Watchman procedure is a trusted alternative to blood thinners that permanently reduces both stroke risk and bleeding worry.

Watchman Patient Jerry Zerby explains why this is a wonderful invention that will save many lives.

Watchman is a one-time, minimally invasive procedure for people with atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem who need an alternative to blood thinners.

Physician Video Profile: Ogubay Mesmer, MD (Cardiology)

Ogubay Mesmer, MD is a cardiologist with Spectrum Health Lakeland that specializes in adult cardiovascular disorders.

Physician Video Profile: William Lawrence, MD (Cardiology)

William Lawrence, MD is an interventional cardiologist with Spectrum Health Lakeland that specializes in adult cardiovascular disorders.

TAVR heart valve replacement surgery

TAVR heart valve replacement surgery explained by Spectrum Health Lakeland cardiac specialists.

Physician Video Profile: Dale Leffler, DO (Cardiology)

Dale Leffler, DO is an interventional cardiologist with Spectrum Health Lakeland that specializes in adult cardiovascular disorders.

Cardiac Care: Rusty Schrubba "More than Just Heartburn"

After a successful surgery at Lakeland Heart and Vascular, Rusty is back to maintaining an active lifestyle.

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