Summer 2015

Summer 2015

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On the CoverPeachy Summer Goodness

Julius Pilch, Taegan Pappa, and Katarina Pilch (left to right) enjoy fresh picks in the orchards at Fox Fruit Farm in Sodus.

The farm was established in 1949 by Ilene Fox and her late husband, Harold. Today, Ilene and her daughter, Mary, manage the 100-acre U-pick farm, which also produces apples and black cap raspberries.

In This Issue:

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Physician Video Profile: Linda McBryde, MD (Palliative Care)

Linda McBryde, MD, provides palliative care on the Caring Circle team and has over 30 years of experience in the clinical field.

The Mensinger Family’s Story – A Journey Through Hospice Care

Janice Mensinger had congestive heart failure, her daughter Carol shares her mother's and family's journey with serious illness, hospice care, and the hanson hospice center in hopes to raise charitable care dollars.

Caring Circle - Angela's Story

Learn how Caring Circle services and the Hanson Hospice Center supported one local family. Angela Schlaack shares the story of her husband's final journey with acute myeloid leukemia.

Physician Video Profile: Caressa Eckley, DO (Hospice Care & Palliative Medicine)

Internal medical specialist, Caressa Eckley, DO, of Lakeland Health in St. Joseph, Michigan, shares about her education in hospice and palliative care.

Hanson Hospice Center – Caren and Cara’s Story

We share the story of a Hanson Hospice Center resident, Caren Adams, who was granted her final wish of witnessing her daughter’s wedding before she died of cancer.

Angie’s Story – A Journey Through Grief Healing

Angie Crabtree's sister Cassie died of an accidental overdose, leaving two young boys without a mother. The boys joined Angie's family and she shared her family's journey through grief with Lory's Place.

Lory's Place - Ron's Story

Ron Schults shares his story following the death of wife, Dr. Lory Schults as their family journey towards finding a new normal and continues honoring Lory's memory.

Community Grand Rounds: Black Maternal and Infant Health Panel Discussion

Learn how communities and health systems can come together to find solutions for inequities related to Black maternal and infant health, including breastfeeding support.

Community Grand Rounds: Black Maternal and Infant Health Summit

Why do we need to bring awareness to Black Breastfeeding and the inequities in maternal and infant health? Watch to learn about the historical and current experiences and policies that make it difficult to create equitable birth outcomes.

Matters of the Heart short film

Watch what happens when a local Black-owned business and cardiologist come together to discuss heart health in our new short film, Matters of the Heart.

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