Showing items 1 - 10 of 14
Healthier in my 50s than my 30s, Audrey Henriquez Aug, 2023 Physicians: Seth Miller, MD; James Kroeze, DO; Teri Peak, NP; Rebecca Wolff, NP
What's important is that you're comfortable in your own skin and healthy.
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The best care possible, Nick Limberopoulos Feb, 2022 Physicians: Teri Peak, NP
I never knew life could be this good.
On the other side, Heather and Matthew Stefaniak Jul, 2021 Physicians: Seth Miller, MD
We’re both a lot happier now.
A weight off her mind, Katie Pugh Jun, 2021 Physicians: Seth Miller, MD; Rebecca Wolff, NP
It's a complete change.
Finding a balance, McKenzie Stanton Apr, 2021 Physicians: Seth Miller, MD; Rebecca Wolf, NP
Trust me, it’s worth it!
A bright future ahead, Tashawn Reese Aug, 2020 Physicians: Seth Miller, MD
I have a second chance at life.
A Relationship Worth Having , Heidi Schmitz Jul, 2020 Physicians: Seth Miller, MD
I was ready to make a change.
In the Blink of an Eye, Allen Porter Oct, 2019 Physicians: Seth Miller, MD
I was ready to take it seriously.
From Fried to Fresh, Stuart Fenton Jul, 2018 Physicians: James Kroeze, DO
They changed my life, but more importantly they probably saved my life.
Overcoming a Lifelong Battle , James Syson Jun, 2018 Physicians: Ginard Henry, MD;
I loved all my doctors and received great care all around.