Breast Care

Breast Care

Breast cancer accounts for 25 percent of cancer in women. Early detection is the real key to the success of treating this disease. The sooner detection occurs, the better one’s outlook of having a healthier, brighter future.

At Lakeland, we are dedicated to helping you and your family during your diagnostic work up, treatment and recovery. Our nurse navigators will serve as guardians of your care and ensure that you receive the support and knowledge you need to successfully navigate through the healthcare system.

Breast Health Services Available:

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Physician Profile Video: Catharine Roos, MD (Women’s Health)

Catharine Roos, MD, shares the many reasons why patients schedule an appointment with an obstetrician and gynecologist.

Physician Profile Video: Aubrey Tompkins, CNM (Women’s Health)

Certified Nurse-Midwife Aubrey Tompkins is a Women’s Health specialist seeing patients at Corewell Health Southwestern Medical Women's Health - Niles.

Check-up: Breast augmentation vs. breast lift (Nicole Phillips, MD)

Breast procedures are some of the most popular plastic surgeries from year to year because many women have in mind the breast profile they would like to achieve.

Physician video profile: Nicole Phillips, MD (Plastic Surgery)

Nicole Phillips, MD, is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon at Stonegate Plastic Surgery.

Umbilical cord prolapse: Bethany Curtis "Right place, right time"

Bethany Curtis shares her birthing experience with the care team at BellaNova Women's Health.

Vaginal birth after C-section: Kimberly Cramer "An empowered experience"

Nurse technician Kimberly Cramer shares her birthing experience with the care team at BellaNova Women's Health and how she felt empowered to safely deliver her second child with a vaginal birth after C-section (VBAC).

Check-up: Is it more than baby blues? (Thomas Wechter, MD)

OBGYN, Thomas Wechter, MD covers baby blues and postpartum depression.

How can you prepare for the cost of birth?

Are you expecting? You may have a lot of financial questions. Our financial counselors are here to help, regardless of your situation.

Breast cancer surgery and reconstruction

Learn more about surgical options for treating breast cancer and how reconstruction following a mastectomy can help women feel confident in their body again.

Check-up: Breast cancer surgery (Maria Rapciak, DO)

Surgery is a common treatment for breast cancer. It’s done to remove as much of the cancer as possible. General surgeon, Maria Rapciak, DO, explains the types of surgical options available to women and the factors that go into creating a plan of care.

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