Showing items 1 - 10 of 10
3D approach to care, Nancy Pallas Jan, 2022 Physicians: Roy Winslow, MD; Peter Paximadis, MD
3D mammography made all the difference.
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The Beauty of Collaboration, Dave Clayton Apr, 2019 Physicians: Edmund Paloyan, MD
I seek out medical staff that allow me to run. Dr. Paloyan understands my desire to keep going.
A Dream Come True, Linda Dolezan Aug, 2018 Physicians: Katie Trumbley, PA; Rafeek Woods, MD
There’s been a lot of tears but everyone has been so compassionate and caring.
Catching Cancer Early, Kellie Tyler Sep, 2017 Physicians: Benjamin Gielda, MD
I trusted my care team and knew they had my best interests in mind.
Under a Watchful Eye, Larry Easton May, 2017 Physicians: Stanley Pletcher, MD; Edmund Paloyan, MD; Benjamin Gielda, MD
They didn’t waste any time beginning treatment which I was thankful for.
The Dream Team , Jackie Johnson Apr, 2017 Physicians: Jonathan Osburn, MD; Roy Winslow, MD
I really am convinced I had the dream team.
Erasing Cancer, Patty Grau Mar, 2017 Physicians: Roy Winslow, MD; Edmund Paloyan, MD; Benjamin Gielda, MD
I experienced very minimal side effects – it didn’t really even feel like I had surgery.
Back to Living Life Faster than Ever Before , Ruth Firme-McMillen Dec, 2016 Physicians: Elizabeth Jeffers, MD; Benjamin Gielda, MD
Going into surgery I was confident this was the best course of treatment for me.
Patient Finds Unique Way to Honor Parents and Support Cancer Care , Kurt Schnese Sep, 2016 Physicians: Edmund Paloyan, MD
I’ve expressed to people how fortunate we are to have a world-class cancer center
Life After Cancer, Katie Hess Jan, 2016
You can’t go back. Life after cancer will seem alien to you, but there are many of us who are willing to go through it with you