
Health Library

  • 4 Red-Flag Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

    4 Red-Flag Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

    If you’re under age 50, you may believe that colorectal cancer isn’t something you need to think about right now. But cases of colorectal cancer in your age group have actually been rising for decades. And unlike an older adult, you may not be routinely screened for the disease. That makes it especially important to know how to recognize the warning signs of colorectal cancer. This could help you catch it at an early stage, when it’s easier to treat.

  • From Pillow Talk to Health Talk: The Power of Sleep

    From Pillow Talk to Health Talk: The Power of Sleep

    “Hey, how did you sleep last night?” is usually a casual inquiry, nothing more. But when your healthcare provider brings it up, this question can serve as a gateway to profound conversations about your overall well-being.

  • Manage Stress to Lower Your Stroke Risk

    Manage Stress to Lower Your Stroke Risk

    Under pressure? You’re not alone—one in four Americans say they’re so stressed they can barely function.

Wellness Center

Fruit Juice Is a Sneaky Culprit Behind Weight Gain

Fruit Juice Is a Sneaky Culprit Behind Weight Gain

Fruit juice tastes sweet, but the results of regularly consuming the drink are pretty sour. According to new research, drinking just 1 glass of 100% fruit juice every day leads to gaining close to half a pound over 3 years.


Headaches Quiz

When you get a headache, it's not the bones of the skull or the brain itself that's hurting. The pain comes from pain-sensitive nerves located near the muscles and blood vessels of the face, neck and scalp. Find out more about headaches by taking this quiz.


Step-by-Step: Using Log-Roll to Get Out of Bed (Hip Care)

Here is how to safely get out of bed after a hip replacement.

Symptom Checker