
Health Library

  • Probiotics and Prebiotics: Food for Thought

    Probiotics and Prebiotics: Food for Thought

    You don’t need special pills or powders to give good bacteria a boost. Many common foods can help these beneficial bugs.

  • 4 Ways to Beat the Monday Blues

    4 Ways to Beat the Monday Blues

    On Friday afternoon, the possibilities for the weekend seem endless. But just a couple days later, feelings of anxiety and fear may arise.

  • Get Asthma Under Control

    Get Asthma Under Control

    If you’re one of the more than 25 million Americans affected by asthma, learning to manage and control the condition can help you limit its impact on your life and activities.

Wellness Center

Smoking and Respiratory Diseases

Diseases caused by smoking kill more than 480,000 people in the U.S. each year. Here's a look at the risks linked to smoking, as well as information to help you quit.


Impotence Quiz

Find out how much you know about the causes and treatment of impotence.


Step-by-Step: Sitting with a Walker (Non-Weight Bearing)

Here are the steps for sitting with a walker when you can't put weight on your leg or foot.

Symptom Checker