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  • Act to Prevent Cervical Cancer

    Act to Prevent Cervical Cancer

    Every year, providers diagnose about 13,000 new cases of cervical cancer. And it’s estimated that the disease claims approximately 4,000 lives annually. Yet when it’s caught early enough, cervical cancer is highly treatable.

  • Orienteering: A Workout for Your Body and Mind

    Orienteering: A Workout for Your Body and Mind

    For a fun, active solution that also benefits your physical health, try orienteering. It’s an activity that combines exercise with reading a map and using a compass.

  • Cleaning House: The Benefits of Decluttering

    Cleaning House: The Benefits of Decluttering

    Thanks to greater purchasing power, an abundance of mass-produced items, and a culture that promotes consumption, we have more things than ever before. While these items can be a source of joy, pride, and usefulness, they can also be a source of stress. This is particularly the case as you get older and realize how much you’ve accumulated over time.

Wellness Center

Mold Allergy Quiz

Molds are microscopic fungi that are everywhere in our environment. Learn about mold allergy by taking this multiple-choice quiz.


Teen Health Quiz

Take this multiple-choice quiz to answer your questions about teen health. Example: Routine physical examinations should be done how often during the teen years?


Vaginal Hysterectomy

A hysterectomy is a common procedure that some women may need to help stop pain, bleeding, or other problems. It can be done in several ways, one of which is vaginally. This video explains why you might need this procedure and how it is done.

Symptom Checker
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