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Grief and Loss

*Grief and Loss ... individual's personality, spiritual beliefs, cultural background, and family and community dynamics. For ... in the company of the bereaved. They, too, are thinking about their loved one. It's acceptable and

Keeping Bullying and Violence Out of Schools

instead of fighting, and seeking an adult's help when needed. Communicating about problems at school ... Keeping Bullying and Violence Out of Schools School should be a safe place for children, where ... safety;children;school;fighting;bullying;weapons;violence;teachers;4550

Grief and Loss: The Process of Healing

*Grief and Loss ... events you can experience. Understanding grief and learning how to cope can help you heal and ... move forward with your life as you honor the person you miss. Grief and Loss: The Process of ... 4287;bereavement;death and dying

Your Child's Asthma: School Strategies

*Asthma School Ch ... Managing Your Child's Asthma at School ... CDC has found that asthma-friendly schools work best when they have strong community support. All ... school staff need support from the school district and community. So speak up, give suggestions ... asthma;children with asthma;asthma education;school health services;cooperation;community support;dm3

Discussing Death with Children

all ages need honest and accurate information about their illness, treatment options, and outlook ... fear are all acceptable. It's important to understand that all children and families are different ... child death;bereavement;grieving;grief;stages of grief;terminal illness child;P03046

Communication Disorders in Children

*Communication Disorders Ch ... have problems with communicating. School-aged children often have problems understanding and ... and the severity of the communication disorder. If your child is school age, talk to the school ... communication disorders;expressive language disorder;mixed receptive-expressive language disorder ... ;speech-sound disorders;childhood-onset fluency disorder;social communication disorder;p02559

Hospice or Palliative Care: Management

palliative care to prevent problems like nausea, low blood counts, and infection. Communication ... experience. Grief and bereavement When a person is very close to dying, their family members may ... hospice care;palliative care;legal and ethical issues with hospice care;23505-1

Anticipatory Grief

anticipatory grief? Each person expresses grief and bereavement in their own way and time ... , missed proms and birthdays, or even what they are going to tell the child's teachers when school is ... anticipatory grief;anticipatory grief phases;mourning profess;terminal diagnosis;death;bereavement;P03043;death and dying

Family Support for Autism Spectrum Disorder

and Regional Asperger Syndrome Partnership). This group provides community outreach, online ... child and you. Autism symptoms can vary widely. Odd or incorrect behaviors, problems with communication

Adjustment Disorders in Children

adjustment disorder? Adjustment disorders happen at all ages and are quite common in children and ... teens. They happen equally in boys and girls. They happen in all cultures. But the stressors and signs ... with anxiety;adjustment disorder with anxiety and depressed mood;adjustment disorder with disturbanc of ... conduct;adjustment disorder with mixed disturbance of emotions and conduct;adjustment disorder unspecified;P01573

For Teens: Navigating School When You Have Cancer

*Cancer School Teen ... Depending on your cancer and treatment plan, you may be able to keep going to school. Or you ... tricky. You’re already juggling the complexities of school and getting ready to step into adulthood ... cancer treatment;cancer and school;16113

Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP)

, or developmental disorder. SLPs assess, diagnose, treat, and help to prevent communication and ... swallowing disorders in adults and children. SLPs can work with many types of communication issues ... rehabilitation;rehab;speech pathologist;language pathologist;speech and language pathologist

Selective Mutism

. Using a structured approach to reinforce and encourage all efforts by your child to communicate ... speak fine in others. It can cause problems with school and social situations. Selective Mutism

Providing Support for the Bereaved

when you are with the bereaved. They are also thinking about this person. It is acceptable and natural ... . Here are some helpful ideas. Providing Support for the Bereaved There are many things you ... support for bereaved;assist bereaved person;providing support;bereaved;p07318

Talking to Your Child About Gun Violence at School

*Gun Violence at School Ch ... school shooting can trigger strong feelings in both adults and children. Even if your child hasn’t heard ... what procedures your school has in place and discuss them together. These might include: Having ... gun violence;school anxiety;violence at school;16314

Grief and Bereavement: When a Child Dies

and painful for all who knew the child. This can include parents, siblings, relatives, friends, peers ... dies, but it can overcome all other emotions and lead to suicide. Call 988 if you or a family ... child death;bereavement;grieving;grief;stages of grief;terminal illness child;p03048

Topic Index - Care of the Terminally Ill Child

Dying Process The Dying Process Grief and Bereavement ... child death, Anticipatory Grief, Dying Child, Supportive Care Child, Palliative Care Child, Hospice Care child, Dying Process, Grief, Bereavement

Community Re-Entry

*Community ReEntry ... Planning for a safe and accessible environment Community re-entry plans are individualized and ... planning re-entry into the community. Many times, adjustments, a transitional period, and modifications

Physical Therapist

Inpatient rehab centers Outpatient rehab centers Community and home health settings Schools ... Physical therapists focus on restoring a person's movement (mobility) and function, and

Topic Index

Decisions to be Made in the Dying Process The Dying Process Grief and Bereavement A terminally ill ... child death, Anticipatory Grief, Dying Child, Supportive Care Child, Palliative Care Child, Hospice Care child, Dying Process, Grief, Bereavement

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