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At Corewell Health Pulmonology, we are committed to ensure you receive great care, have a great care experience, and receive the most up-to-date medical advice. Our providers specialize in conditions that affect the respiratory system such as pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis, emphysema, and complicated chest infections.

Not sure if you need to see a pulmonologist? Do you:

  • Always seem to have noisy/raspy/rattling breathing?
  • Have regular asthma attacks?
  • Frequently get diagnosed with pneumonia?
  • Breathe fast or seem labored on a frequent basis?
  • Have a hard time staying awake during the day?
  • Seem to have a lot of respiratory infections (viral or bacterial)?
  • Seem to stop/pause in breathing while awake or asleep?
  • Snore or sleep poorly?
  • Use a daily controller asthma medicine and still have symptoms?

If the answer is yes to any of the questions above, we may be able to help.