
Bronchial Thermoplasty

Outpatient Procedure for Asthma

bronchial-thermoplastyFor those adults taking multiple asthma medications but still having asthma attacks, making lifestyle changes to avoid asthma triggers, or missing work, school, or daily activities because of asthma, a new treatment available at Lakeland Health may help.

Bronchial Thermoplasty (BT), delivered by the Alair™ System, is an outpatient procedure for adult patients with severe asthma. BT is performed through three procedures, once every three weeks, to reduce the amount of excess smooth-muscle tissue in the airways. With less of this tissue, the airways constrict less, reducing asthma attacks, making breathing easier and improving quality of life.

Bronchial Thermoplasty patients report a significant improvement in their asthma-related quality of life. There is a significant reduction in asthma attacks and emergency room visits that extend through a five-year follow-up period by current studies.