
Lakeland Pulmonology News

1/16/2019 2:31:21 PM Reporting from Niles, MI
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program Available at Lakeland
1/16/2019 2:31:21 PM
Patients with lung diseases now have access to a new pulmonary rehabilitation program.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program Available at Lakeland

SpectrumHealth Lakeland

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program Available at Lakeland
Jan 16, 2019

(ST. JOSEPH) – Patients with lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, and sarcoidosis now have access to a new pulmonary rehabilitation program at Lakeland Medical Center in St. Joseph. Led by healthcare professionals who are specially trained to treat pulmonary diseases, the program focuses on helping patients breathe better and improve their overall health and strength.

The eight-week program takes place in a group setting and covers topics such as breathing techniques, exercise training, nutritional and emotional support, and performing daily tasks, among other topics. Sessions are led by a team of healthcare providers including nurses, respiratory therapists, exercise specialists, physical and occupational therapists, pharmacists, and counselors.

“When someone can’t breathe it makes even the simplest activities a struggle,” said Zaundra Lipscomb, Manager Respiratory Therapy. “Throughout the eight weeks we teach participants the skills they need to live and breathe better, encourage them to put these skills to good use through lifestyle changes, and help them set realistic goals so they can make these changes gradually and effectively.”

“We had a vision for starting this program some time ago and have been thrilled with how it’s taken off,” said pulmonologist, Furqan Siddiqi, MD, FCCP. “Pulmonary diseases have a significant impact on patients’ quality of life and programs like this are shown to help people better manage their own condition so they aren’t having to go to the hospital or emergency room as often.”

For more information about the program, call (269) 983-8203