Our Approach to Breast Reduction

Although large breasts can be seen as a standard of beauty, many women struggle with large breasts that are harmful to their health and self-image. Overly-large breasts can put an unhealthy strain on the body, causing many women health concerns over the course of a lifetime. Not only this, but many women face difficulty in their relationships because of negative comments or unwanted attention. For this reason, a breast reduction procedure can be life-changing and highly-beneficial. We understand that having breasts that are both beautiful and healthy is important to many women, so we seek to offer compassionate, understanding care when it comes to improving your breast profile and your self-confidence.

What is a Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction, sometimes called reduction mammaplasty, uses surgical techniques to reduce the size, shape, and projection of the breasts. This usually includes a reduction in breast tissue, fat, and excess skin. A breast reduction is unique in that it can serve both cosmetic and medical functions— in fact, many patients have their breast reduction procedure covered by insurance because of its health benefits. Although breast augmentation is generally more popular among plastic surgery patients, breast reduction comes with one of the highest overall rates of patient satisfaction because of its life-changing results.

Can Breast Reduction Benefit Me?

Women that suffer from health concerns that are caused by large breasts benefit most from a breast reduction procedure. Many patients choose to include a breast reduction as part of their mommy makeover, as the pregnancy and nursing process can cause unwanted, permanent growth in the breasts. Often, a breast reduction is combined with a breast lift to further restore and rejuvenate the breasts, lifting them into a more youthful, upright position. If you’re considering a breast reduction procedure, you should be in general good health and able to undergo surgery. If you’ve recently given birth or are still nursing, you should discuss during your consultation whether a breast reduction is appropriate or should be delayed, since remaining hormones after childbearing can cause unwanted growth and reverse your results.

What Should I Know About Breast Reduction?

The incisions used in a breast reduction procedure are very similar to those used in a breast lift procedure, meaning the two procedures can be easily performed together. Many patients also opt for nipple and areolar repositioning or reduction. During your consultation, you’ll discuss which incision option is best for you and your goals.

Periareolar Incision

This incision encircles the pigmentation of the areolae and can easily conceal scarring. This incision is ideal for patients for whom nipple and areolar reduction are a main concern.

Keyhole Incision

This incision follows the periareolar incision but includes an additional incision from the base of the areolae to the breast fold. This extra incision allows an additional reduction in skin and a greater ability to lift the breast into a more upright position.

Anchor Incision

This incision follows the keyhole pattern but includes additional incisions following the breast fold. This incision comes with the most extensive restructuring of the breast, nipple, and areola.

The best incision for you can depend on things like your anatomy, goals, and breast size. It’s important to keep an ideal size in mind when discussing your results so that we can choose the appropriate incision and surgical plan for you.

Your Breast Reduction Procedure

Your breast reduction can be performed inside our private, accredited surgical facility with the use of general anesthesia. After this is administered, a predetermined incision is performed. This incision allows for the reduction and removal of breast tissue, as well as skin and fat. In some cases, liposuction may be performed on the surrounding areas to further contour the chest and sides. The nipples and areolae can be repositioned or reduced, depending on your goals. In some cases, they can be grafted to a higher position. Once the breast is reduced and lifted, the incisions are closed, and you will be fitted with a surgical bra.

What Can I Expect After Breast Reduction?

Most patients, except during initial swelling, notice results immediately after their breast reduction procedure. It’s important to wear your surgical bra during your recovery since it can help support the new breasts and help the skin adhere to the new contours. You can expect some pain or discomfort during the first few days, but this can be managed with prescribed medications. It’s important to avoid sleeping on your stomach or side since this can aggravate your incisions. In general, you can expect to take around two weeks off from work or school, depending on how extensive your procedure is. Although a breast reduction can produce long-term results, it can’t stop the process of aging or growth that occurs with pregnancy or nursing, so you should be sure to discuss your options for additional procedures during your consultation.

Your Consultation at Stonegate Plastic Surgery

Your first step in a breast reduction procedure is a consultation with our experts, who can plan the best surgical process for you and your goals. To schedule a consultation, contact our St. Joseph office by calling or filling out our online form.