
Stroke Specialty Program

Achieving Normal Activities after a Stroke

Stroke Specialty ProgramAs one of only 12 Stroke Specialty Programs in the state of Michigan, we are proud to offer specialty rehabilitation services for patients who have experienced a stroke. Our specialized team of therapists, nurses, physicians, and social workers all receive special training in the treatment of individuals with a stroke care which helps them better understand your individual situation and goals.
All of our patients who have had a stroke receive a comprehensive cognitive evaluation by our neuropsychologist and our speech-language pathologist. In addition, every morning the treatment team meets to discuss the special needs of our individuals with a stroke with emphasis on discharge planning. Our stroke program focused on the following areas which will help you return to normal daily activities as soon as possible:

  • Balance
  • Bathing and dressing
  • Getting in/out of bed or chairs
  • Memory
  • Proper diet
  • Sitting
  • Speech
  • Swallowing

At discharge, patients will receive a wide variety of resources to assist in their recovery from a stroke including information on stroke support groups and family support in our community.