
Suicide Loss

Suicide Loss Support

The book below was written by people just like you…people who are surviving the suicide death of an important person in their life. We come from all walks of life; suicide does not discriminate. Some of us are recent survivors, others had their person die years ago. Each of us has struggled in our own way with the pain and complexity of suicide loss.


Click book cover above or here to view After Suicide: The Grief Journey.

Our intentions are for you to know you are not alone. We are many who walk this path. Our stories are all different, but many of the emotions we experience along the way are similar. 

The professional bereavement staff of Lory’s Place edited the original writings, provided additional information, and cited reliable sources for the reader.

Additional Resources

Coping with Suicide Loss (PDF) - To lose someone to suicide is complex and confusing, this article can offer strategies to assist in coping day to day.

Explaining Suicide to Children (PDF)

Helping a Suicide Survivor

Survivors Bill of Rights (PDF) - For those who have had someone die by suicide this resource gives them permission to grieve in their own unique way.

Surviving Suicide Loss-10 Things We Know To Be True(TAPS) PDF

TEAR Model of Grief

What Makes Suicide Different (PDF)

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and Michigan Crisis & Access Line

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800.273.TALK(8255)

MDHHS Warmline 888.733.7753 connects individuals with certified peer support specialists who have lived experiences of behavioral health issues, trauma or personal crises, and are trained to support and empower the callers.

Veterans Crisis Line