When you are grieving, it is tremendously healing to journey with your peers.
When someone you love is dying – or dies – grief often rolls in like a wave that washes over not only the adults in your family, but the children, too. These waves of grief keep coming long after many people "think" they should stop. So you and your children may need a safe harbor where grief healing can occur at your pace.

Lory's Place is that safe harbor
Created especially for children, and the adults in their lives, it models the renowned Dougy Center in Portland, Oregon. Our programs use a peer-to-peer approach that helps all ages work through grief. There are programs for those that have had a family member or important friend die and an anticipatory grief program for children and adults who are expecting the death of a loved one due to illness or disease. These age-appropriate, regularly scheduled peer support sessions provide the genuine understanding, empathy and advice that help rebuild confidence and give hope for the future.