
Niles Pediatric Team

Southwestern Medical Clinic, Niles Pediatric Team & Services

NIles peds webInjury Care

We can take care of many of you child's injuries right in our Pediatrics office.  Whether you need a splint for a broken or sprained finger, cast for a fracture, or need a splinter removed - our friendly staff is ready to assist.  We also have X-ray facilities right down the hall to quickly assess orthopedic injuries.

Routine Procedures

We perform routine procedures, such as circumcisions and anterior tongue-tie release (for infants less than 1 month old).  We can treat warts with liquid nitrogen, drain abscesses and remove built up ear wax.

Sports Physicals

Many sports teams require yearly examinations to provide to ensure the athlete is capable of performing at a competitive level and has no underlying problems that might pose a risk. We are happy to complete these forms as long as your child has had a comprehensive physical examination in the past 12 months. We often have a wait time to schedule physicals, so call as soon as you can to meet your deadline.  During the busiest sports times, we do set aside extra time just for sports physicals, but they are available to new and established patients on a first come, first serve basis.

ADHD and Mental Health Management

Behavioral problems can be difficult to diagnose, especially in children.  Our providers have many years of experience diagnosing ADHD, depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems in children. Diagnosis usually involves a multidisciplinary approach with both educational and psychological testing. We will work with you and your family to coordinate diagnosis, possibly using consults with teachers, therapists, or psychologists and psychiatrists.  Therapy may involve a variety of interventions, including: the school, tutors, educational consultants, therapy, and medications.

For a complete rundown of other services we provide, please call our office at: (269) 687-0200

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