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Hospice Care


When is the right time to call Hospice?

When you, or someone you care about, reach a point where you no longer desire or it is no longer possible to pursue curative treatment to prolong your life, then you may want to consider hospice care. This consideration does not mean you or your caregivers are giving up hope. Instead, it is a choice to help you make every day count and to live the best quality of life possible.

Hospice care may be appropriate when you or someone you care about:

  • Have been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness
  • Are experiencing pain
  • Desire to remain at home
  • Need financial relief from medical care bills
  • Decide to forgo curative treatment
  • Have been told by a physician that further treatment would be futile or ineffective
  • Experience frequent hospitalizations
  • Require frequent telephone calls to medical professionals, doctor's office, or emergency room visits

The care you will receive

All certified hospice care providers must follow the same guidelines. When you, or someone you care about, are in hospice care you can expect:

  • Professional pain management and relief for your physical, emotional, and spiritual suffering
  • To live at home, wherever "home" is. This includes your personal home, a family member's or friend's home, nursing home, adult foster care home, and assisted living facility
  • Significant financial relief and help. Medicare, Medicaid, most major Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs), and other private health insurance plans, such as Blue Cross Blue Shield, typically will cover your care. If you do not have hospice coverage, we will help you get the care you need
  • Home visits to help minimize the need for you to make trips to the doctor's office or hospital emergency room
  • Telephone support 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can talk with us whenever you have questions or concerns, need advice or reassurance, or help in handling an emergency. We also will send expert assistance to your home when required so we can be by your family's side, supporting you and them, during this important life journey
  • Respite care so your caregivers can take a break to rejuvenate
  • Ongoing bereavement support for your family and friends. Your hospice team nurse will care for your body after you die and will be with your family when the funeral home arrives. The nurse or social worker can help your family make funeral arrangements, and will frequently attend memorial or funeral services to provide emotional support. Hospice at Home will stay in touch with your family through monthly mailings and classes that help your loved ones cope with their grief. Family members and friends will be invited to Celebration of Life Service where they can pay tribute to your life.

If you have further questions about hospice care, or any of our programs, we are happy to talk with you. Please call us at (269) 429-7189 or (800) 717-3811

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