Since 2017, the Caring Circle Global Partnership program has provided financial and educational support to
Our Lady’s Hospice in Thigio, Kenya. In 2018, four Caring Circle clinical team members traveled to rural Kenya
and spent a week leading workshops and learning what life was like providing hospice and
palliative care there. In the community served by Our Lady’s Hospice there are none of the
modern conveniences we often take for granted. The average home in Thigio has no
electricity or indoor plumbing and cooking is completed over a fire on the ground.
What our support provides
Caring Circle raises funds annually, with a goal of $5,000 each year, to help Our
Lady’s Hospice maintain a modern nine-bed hospice residence with electricity,
indoor plumbing, and skilled medical care. Over the last five years, these donations
have been used to purchase new hospital beds, a new septic system, and solar power
upgrades to the hospice residence. In addition to financial support, each month our
global partnership committee meets virtually with Our Lady’s Hospice staff to provide
clinical education and support.
None of this work would be possible without the generous support of Caring Circle team members,
volunteers, and friends throughout the community. If you would like to learn more about how to become
involved or support this program, please call 269.429.7100 or mail donations to Caring Circle, attention:
Global Partnership, 4025 Health Park Lane, St. Joseph, MI 49085.