At Caring Circle, we are honored to provide care for many hometown military heroes. For some, the long-term physical or psychological effects can have a significant effect on their health, well-being, and quality of life. We must pay close attention to the vets still living, who've returned home and now cope with unique circumstances.
Our country's largest population of veterans is retiring in record numbers and continues to grow older. Some may begin to experience health issues resulting from their time in the military. These service-connected conditions can be the result of exposure to loud noises, toxins, or other aftereffects of combat. We hear from many veterans not aware of help and benefits available to them. Some individuals already receiving support from Department of Veterans Affairs may not understand how those benefits can be coordinated with local care from community providers.
Veteran support services at Caring Circle is a free community-based program developed to intentionally link veterans with service officers in their county.
For more information, call the Caring Circle veteran support services at 269.429.7100