Palliative Care
Palliative care focuses on the overall wellness of individuals with serious illness. It addresses the symptoms and stress of living with advancing illness. Early implementation of palliative care can increase quality of life and may be used in addition to curative care of an illness. Skilled palliative care providers visit patients wherever they call home.
HouseCalls may be an option for those who have serious or chronic conditions and who are unable to travel to a physician’s office or clinic for care. Some examples include those recently released from the hospital or other inpatient facility, those with balance or mobility issues, and those who may have behavioral health conditions.
Skilled physicians and providers see patients in their own homes, adult foster homes, and assisted living facilities. HouseCalls does not require referrals from other physicians to begin medical care.
Improving quality of life for someone with an advanced disease can ease stress, anxiety, and depression for not only the person with the illness but for family caregivers as well. For more information on what program fits your family's needs call 269.429.7100 or visit