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Our Stories - Life is Precious

Jun, 2015 Reporting from Niles, MI
Queen for a Day -
Jun, 2015
Nancy’s journey to being “Queen for a Day” began in April when she received a very frightening diagnosis from her doctors in Grand Rapids.  Nancy was given the choice to remain in the hospital there, or go home to spend what little time they sai

Queen for a Day -

SpectrumHealth Lakeland

Queen for a Day

Jun, 2015

Nancy’s journey to being “Queen for a Day” began in April when she received a very frightening diagnosis from her doctors in Grand Rapids.  Nancy was given the choice to remain in the hospital there, or go home to spend what little time they said she had left with her family.  Nancy knew that going home wasn’t an option based on the level of care she needed, leaving her feeling helpless and afraid.  

Nancy and her family quickly found a solution to return her “home” with the level of care she needed through the Hanson Hospice Center. Our caring team of doctors and staff were able to get Nancy’s pain and symptoms under control, her appetite back to normal, and help her sleep easier. Nancy and her family began to have hope that she would be here longer than predicted.  

Nancy was doing so well that she was able to see her daughter Melissa, a senior at Lakeshore High School, before she attended her last prom. She had confided in her care team that she was hoping to live to see her daughter Melissa in the Blossomtime Festival Parade as well as at her high school graduation.  She realized she was too ill to attend in person but was hopeful that she could see it on video. 

Nancy’s care team told her, “You have probably heard from several people about what you can’t do anymore. Here at Hanson Hospice at Center, our focus is on what you CAN do.” With the help of her spiritual care coordinator, social worker, a friend, and some connections with the Michigan State Police, a plan was set in place to make sure Nancy had a front row seat to see her daughter in the parade.

Parade day arrived, sunny and warm, a perfect day for Nancy to honor her very own princess. Nancy used the royal “never above the tiara” wave as she was whisked away from the Hanson Hospice Center. She was even able to visit with Melissa at the staging area before the float began to proceed.    Feeling like royalty, Nancy’s entourage were given a police escort as the family settled in to a private spot close to where the Lakeshore Band would stop at parade rest.

The Lakeshore Lancer Marching Band came into view near the end of the parade.  Nancy, a band parent, knew many of the band members.  They came to rest right in front of Nancy and, rather than stand and relax until they stepped off again, they performed their program from this school year, color guard and all. Nancy capped off her day as “Queen” with ice cream and a trip to the beach.   

Nancy was thrilled that she was able to see her daughter off to her last prom and on the queen float at the Blossomtime Festival Parade. Since then, Nancy has also has been well enough to attend Melissa’s final band concert, Honor’s Night, Mother’s Day celebrations, graduation AND she will be home to finish up preparations for her graduation party — Nancy herself has graduated from living at the Hanson Hospice Center and is home!

Nancy shared, “Coming to the Hanson Hospice Center gave me back my spark of hope and the very special, life affirming gift of time.”  

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